Friday, December 26, 2008


...was Christmas!
And I turned 29. Woohoo!
But really, I don't feel much older than 17 years old. Mentally I think that will be my age forever. 

It has come and gone. Quick as usual.
Morning gift opening was fun. Very much like being a kid again, and I think I surprised Matt with all the gift shaking and guessing I did. 
A big 'THANK YOU' to everyone who got us gifts (namely our parents) even when we told them not to. I particularly liked my moms hand made scarf and hat and imagine that it took quite a bit of time to finish. It's very snazzy and I will wear it proudly. 

I must say  that the most interesting gift we received was from my in-laws. Glenda and Walter truly out did themselves. They gave us steaks. That's right. Red Meat. Wow! Is this not the coolest gift idea or what!? Who knew that you could have animal parts shipped to someone in the mail? They are supposed to arrive sometime in the next week or so in a box of dry ice. I am so excited! This gift possibly ranks in my Top 3 All Time Gifts Ever Received list. First place obviously goes to my mom and dad for my Care Bear Cousin (Swift Heart Rabbit) the best childhood doll a kid could have. Next would be the wedding ring that Matthew made me with his own two hands. And then would come the steaks. doll, my ring, and my steaks. 

We spent the rest of the day lounging around the house, reading books, baking a pie and preparing a cornish game hen dinner (which according to Wikipedia is not a game bird at all, just a young farm raised chicken). I finally managed to make a non-lumpy gravy, a good way to start year 29. Perhaps all my cooking endeavors from now on will be closer to perfect.
We head out to the cabin/cottage tonight to spend the weekend with Matt's family. I'm looking forward to it. Sounds like Walter might be breaking out the Snowmobile! Good times for everyone!


1 comment:

liSa said...

Happy Belated Birthday Martine!!!

i'm also waiting for the big thaw, soon hopefully soon...