Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tomorrow... Christmas. 
It is incidentally also my birthday. I turn 29.
The last year of my life in my 20's. I'm not sure how to feel, but there is an overwhelming sense that I need to make this one worth it. My 20's need to go out with a bang (a year long bang). 
I'm not sure how I'm going to do that. I don't think I really do need to know how, but i'll be sure to let you know when the epiphany hits me. If I don't figure it out, Matt will. Being married to Matt is one big adventure anyway. That boy has a enough dreams for the both of us, and I'm pretty sure that by August we will find ourselves some place where no one speaks any English and the food is generally unrecognizable. 

Also, a few random interesting bits. 

a. I have a sore developing right under my nose. It hurts like hell and looks like it's only getting bigger. I blame winter because right now winter is to blame for everything.

b. Matthew chipped his tooth the other day. We are debating our plan of action, which will probably include a trip to the dentist and an exorbitant bill. It's that, or returning to the ways of our great grandparents and just living with a chipped tooth.

c. Watched the weirdest movie EVER last night, with Mick Jagger in it. It's about hippy rock stars, gangsters, nudity, drugs, bookies, velvet and guns. I would call it Psychedelic. If you are brave, check it out. It's called Performance.

d. I'm addicted to Bon Iver's song Skinny Love and play it about 5 to 20 times a a row... You should listen to it to. You can find it on my Facebook. Go listen and join in my addiction.

e. Today's Headline Reads: "Consumer Spending Down!"
Noooooo!!!! Really???? Who knew an Economic Downturn would do such a thing?!
I hate headlines these days. They are so redundant and meaningless. If they aren't stating the obvious, they are adulterating the truth (a la Fox Network style), or trying and scare the crap out of you (a la CNN style). As an aside, I personally think that it's a good thing that consumer spending is down. Less crap going into our land fills and maybe helping people differentiate between what they 'want' and what they 'need'.

Sorry the blog is so random and boring these days. The truth is, when winter hits the Midwest, you basically seal yourself into your apartment with as many canned goods and limes as possible and wait for it to be over. In short, there isn't a heck of a lot going on right now. It's hard work making something out of nothing, but I do my best. I'll try and get more photos posted sometime soon as well.

Merry Christmas people!
Lots of love from us to you!

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